25 Oct 2018

Over 120 first year postgraduate researchers attended the GRADnet Induction day on 24 October 2018 in central London. This was a great opportunity for students to meet fellow SEPnet postgraduate researchers from around the region.
Students chose two out of 4 workshops to attend and the feedback was mainly very positive.
Getting your research published presented by Sarah Whitehouse and Tom Sharp: Institute of Physics: �Good session, very informative, with good pacing and tips!� Python presented by Dr Tim Kinnear and Leon Schoonderwoerd, University of Kent: �Really well presented! Clear to understand and follow for someone who has no knowledge of coding before� Introduction to research data management presented by Dr Alice Motes, University of Surrey and Dr Juan Bicarregui, Science Technology Facilities Council: Very eye-opening, reminds you of aspects of data-based research that can easily be overlooked. Very interesting to see the solutions and ideas involved in open science.� Science Communication Skills presented by Dr Martin Archer, QMUL and Cordelia Scott, University of Portsmouth: �Good at introducing ways to get involved in public engagement tips on giving talks. Lots of interaction to give first taste of communication planning and set up.��
Thank you to all our presenters and to Cristobel Soares-Smith, Graduate Network Administrator for organising this event.
Students at the GRADnet welcome talk.